- January 17: The Book of Pooh: A Valentine For Eeyore is still released on VHS.
- January 22: Dick Tufeld (TV announcer) passed away.
- February 8 - Laurie Main passed away.
- March 6 - Song Artist Robert B. Sherman passed away.
- August 16 - Background Artist Andrew McNab passed away.
- June 3: Sergio Tedesco passed away.
- June 19: The Book of Pooh: Fun With Make-Believe and The Book of Pooh: Fun With Manners are still released on VHS.
- July 13 - Ginny Tyler passed away.
- July 30 - Australia Animator and Production Assistant Ty Bosco passed away.
- October 8 - Ken Sansom passed away.
- November 10: Writer Bruce Reid Schaefer died.