The Name Game is a song in Pooh's Heffalump Movie. It is performed by Lumpy to help Roo remember his name. Later, as the two grow closer, they perform the song together. This song features music by Carly Simon with lyrics by Carly Simon and Brian Hohlfeld. It was arranged by David Slonaker.
Lumpy lumpity lee
Lumpy bumpity bee
Lumpy dumpity dee
Heffa-Lumpy like me
You make a game of your name
So it's never the same, never the same
Add a sound, add a doodle
Now you've got a name that's brand new-dle
Rooty tootly-y-doo
Rooty tootly-y-doo
Rooty bootalee-boo
Rooty tootie, that's you!