
The 3rd season of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh aired September 8 to November 10, 1990 on ABC.


Title Card Name Number Original Airdate
Ohbottle Oh Bottle 301a September 8, 1990
After playtime, Pooh discovers a bottle, thinking that Christopher Robin's on a deserted isle.
Owlinthefamily Owl in the Family 301b September 8, 1990
When Rabbit tells him that Owl's relatives are non-existent, a family reunion is planned to cheer up "Buddy Bird".
302aShamPooh Sham Pooh 302a September 15, 1990
When Pooh loses his appetite, it's up to Tigger: Private Ear to solve the case of the mistaken identity.
Rockabyepoohbear Rock-a-Bye Pooh Bear 302b September 15, 1990
A bad nightmare proves to be no picnic for Piglet. When he says he'll never sleep again, his friends try to prove it to him that bad dreams are never going to come true.
Whatsthescorepooh What's the Score Pooh? 303a September 22, 1990
During a made-up and silly sports match, Gopher, the goalie, resigns and only promises to continue playing if Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Rabbit help him work.
Tiggershouseguest Tigger's Houseguest 303b September 22, 1990
When Tigger makes a friend, everyone in the 00 Acre Wood loves it. Except for if that friend is a... termite!!
Rabbittakesaholiday Rabbit Takes a Holiday 304a September 29, 1990
When Rabbit takes a vacation because of having no work to do, Tigger, Piglet, Pooh and Gopher must take care of Rabbit's garden but end up making his garden worse.
Eeyieeyieeyore Eeyi Eeyi Eeyore 304b September 29, 1990
When Rabbit, a master gardener, can't get a seed a sprout, he give it to Eeyore. And Eeyore makes it grow, which astounds Rabbit.
Poohskies Pooh Skies 305 October 6, 1990
When Pooh reportedly "breaks the sky", Pooh and Gopher go up and fix it.
Tobeeornottobee To Bee or Not to Bee 306a October 13, 1990
After Christopher Robin's mom tells her son that he needs to tidy up his bedroom, Pooh and the gang relive the day they were playing war with the local bees.
Aprilpooh April Pooh 306b October 13, 1990
It's April Fools Day and the supposed April Fool gives Pooh glue for honey, Piglet fish bowls against his windows, Tigger spotted pajamas and Rabbit a giant carrot balloon. Now to search for this April Fool.
Aknighttoremember A Knight to Remember 307 October 20, 1990
During a rainy day in Christopher Robin's attic, Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit and Eeyore play a silly game of chess which ends up becoming a little too real.
Tiggeristhemotherofinvention Tigger is the Mother of Invention 308a October 27, 1990
Tigger invents a machine which, as Rabbit calls it, is a "Descruction on Wheels".
Thebugstopshere The Bug Stops Here 308b October 27, 1990
When Pooh must babysit Roo and Owl's cousin, Dexter, a quest goes out to hunt Rabbit's troublesome bugs.
Easycomeeasygopher Easy Come, Easy Gopher 309a November 3, 1990
Rabbit becomes annoyed when Gopher decides to build an "Ultimate Tunnel" outside his house.
Invasionofthepoohsnatcher The Invasion of the Pooh Snatcher 309b November 3, 1990
When Pooh is no where to be found, Tigger thinks that Pooh was stolen by a jagular while Pooh and Piglet think Tigger's been stolen by a jagular.
Tiggergotyourtongue Tigger Got Your Tongue 310a November 10, 1990
When Tigger loses his voice, Pooh and Piglet try to find out who this "nobody" is that stole it.
Abirdinthehand A Bird in the Hand 310b November 10, 1990
When Stan and Heff take a much older Kessie for a honey ransom, what is "Rabbie" going to do?

